Top Tips : Benefits Of High Quality Speaker Cables

9 September 2023
Posted in: Top Tips
Top Tips : Benefits Of High Quality Speaker Cables

Speaker cables run from the amplifier to the speakers. There has been much talk amongst the industry in that does the higher the quality speaker actually means better the sound? Traditionally, speaker cables had standard copper wiring, but today there are other options available.


Technical Benefits of High-Quality Speaker Cables

When a new stereo or speaker system is bought, speaker cables are mostly overlooked. This is because buyers spend almost their budget on the new audio system, and so end up purchasing low-quality speaker cables. Low-quality speaker cables prevent the speaker system from performing to the best of its ability. High-quality speaker cables have a number of technical benefits not found in low-quality cables, so they most definitely make a good investment.


Reliability and Durability of High-Quality Speaker Cables

The use of high-quality speaker cables provides increased reliability. High-quality speaker cables are more robust and able to withstand the rigours of transport better than lower-quality speaker cables. They are also less likely to corrode. High-quality speaker cables tend to have a better quality sheath. The sheath is the outer covering of the cable. A thicker, better quality sheath is more durable: it is less likely to split or suffer damage. For cables that have to trail across the floor, higher quality models can cope with being stood on occasionally without it affecting the quality of the cable.


Reducing Inductance With High-Quality Speaker Cables

High-quality speaker cables reduce the inductance, which in turn increases the efficiency of the cable. This is achieved by grouping conductors and turning them into multiple twisted pairs. They are arranged so that the conductors run in opposite directions, creating a magnetised field that reduces the inductance inside the cable.


Reducing the Skin Effect With High-Quality Speaker Cables

The skin effect refers to high-frequency sound signals not passing uniformly and evenly throughout the conductors, and instead of skimming over the topmost surface, or skin, of the conductors. This creates an undesirable blended effect, and the audio loses a great deal of clarity. High-quality speaker cables are constructed to reduce high-frequency signal skimming by arranging the internal wires in a close-fitting formation to force the signals to pass uniformly through the conductors.


Multiple Layering of Shielding in High-Quality Speaker Cables

High-quality cables offer dense, multi-layered shielding. Shielding refers to the layers that wrap around the wire cores to prevent a loss of signal and to reduce interference. The best cables have internal wires encased in one or two layers of shielding beneath the sheath. Cables of this type prevent the crossing of opposing wires that is referred to as crosstalk, which can result in a reduction of the quality of performance. Preventing incompatible wires touching ensures that the performance is always maximised. Multiple layers of shielding help to prevent noise and interference from external sources and ensure that the least amount of signal is lost during the data transfer.


Quality of the Speaker Cable Core

The core of speaker cables is most commonly made from copper. High-quality cores increase conductivity, and help to preserve the quality of the data packets travelling along the cable. Cables with a standard copper core can still be considered high quality, depending on the cable configuration, shielding, sheathing, and construction. Other metals used in high-quality speaker cables include oxygen reduced and pure copper with the impurities removed. Silver and gold core high-quality speaker cables are also available.


Benefits of High-Quality Speaker Cable Connectors

Buyers often purchase good quality speaker cables only to neglect to purchase good quality connectors. Without good quality connectors, there is little benefit in having high-quality cables or an expensive hi-fi and speaker system: poor quality connectors negate any beneficial effects that a buyer achieves from the rest of their set-up. High-quality connectors should be tight fitting so that they make a secure and solid connection. This reduces the loss of audio quality when the signal transfers from the cable, through the connector, and into the speaker. The best connectors are made from pure copper, silver, or gold.


Length of Cable Run for High-Quality Speaker Cables

The length of the speaker run refers to the length of the cable required between the amplifier or the stereo and the individual speakers. In general, to get adequate audio with standard speaker cables the speakers need to be as close to the input device as possible. With high-quality speaker cable, buyers are able to increase the length of their cable run without sacrificing audio quality. This increases the versatility of the stereo system and enables buyers to make an immersive surround sound set-up without losing clarity or quality.


Sound Benefits of High-Quality Speaker Cables

High-quality speaker cables produce a better sound than lower quality cables. The sound is much closer to the original input.


Audio Quality Produced by High-Quality Speaker Cables

The audio output from speakers connected to high quality cables is of a significantly better quality. High quality cables preserve the data packets that travel along the wires better, and cause much less loss of quality. This means that the vast majority of the information sent from the input device reaches the output device intact, without any part of the data being changed, which provides very accurate audio replication with a pleasing sound.


Choose from our 100’s of speaker cables and purchase yours today.