Posts tagged 'iFi'

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The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 1- Introduction
The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 2i- Power
The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 3 - Speaker Cables
The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 3 - Speaker Cables

The Zen of Formats

7 May 2020
108 view(s)

As a computer-connected interface the Zen DAC makes a well-suited visual complement to the likes of an Apple MacBook and hooking it up is a joy, the process being completely driverless. Just select ‘iFi (by AMR) HD USB Audio Output’ in the ‘Sound’ pane of System Preferences. The Mac has no problems powering the DAC by itself, even using its own battery. Here’s a little secret - using a lightning adapter even an iPhone 11 Pro has the juice to power this DAC! (Continue reading...)

Blue for You?

22 April 2020
83 view(s)

The new iFi ZEN line currently consists of two alternatives with very different use cases. The ZEN DAC reviewed elsewhere does exactly what it says on the tin, the more enigmatic ZEN Blue is… a Bluetooth receiver. Not so enigmatic after all maybe, but like the ZEN DAC it aims to be the best at what it does at a ridiculously competitive price point. It shares the attractive retro stylings of its partner with an even more uncluttered front panel, just bearing a connection button, a Bluetooth connection status indicator and a sample rate indicator. (Continue reading...)