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The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 1- Introduction
The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 2i- Power
The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 3 - Speaker Cables
The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 3 - Speaker Cables
The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 3 - Speaker Cables

The Future Shop Comprehensive Guide to HiFi Cables and Accessories, Vol. 3 - Speaker Cables

13 October 2021
45 view(s)

This section of our guide is going to deal with what many people consider to be the central cable in a HiFi system: the speaker cable. This is the cable that runs from an amplifier to your speakers, and is the cable that generates the most ‘hype’ and the some controversy. But before we get into the materials and variables, it’s important to note something that we will repeat throughout this section- there is no ‘best’ or ‘perfect’ cable for every system. (Continue reading...)