Future Shop Green Initiative


At Future Shop, over the last few years, we have built Environmental Consciousness into our Company Values and we are hoping to take several steps to reduce our carbon footprint. They may be small, but we consider them to be just the beginning of an ongoing and increasingly pervasive endeavour.

Ecologi - Carbon Offsetting & Planting Trees

Since 2021 Future Shop's team members have been enrolled in a monthly climate-friendly subscription through Ecologi. Ecologi is a UK based environmental organisation facilitating the funding of carbon offset projects and tree planting worldwide. Its mission is to reduce 50% of global CO2 emissions by 2040 and responsibly plant billions of trees every year.

Our subscription plants 60 trees and offsets 4.5 tonnes of CO2 per person each year. It is widely known that planting trees is the best way to tackle the climate crisis and help to prevent our temperatures from rising above 1.5C.

Here at Future Shop, we are taking action on building a greener future by partnering with Ecologi




Introduction of Recycling-Focused Collections

We have implemented a system that allows as much waste as possible to be recycled. Employees are directed to dispose of materials in the specified bins for metals, plastics and paper.


Bio-degradable Bin Liners

We have purchased biodegradable bin liners for all office bins in order to reduce our contribution to the increasing amount of plastic in landfill and the oceans.


Environment-Friendly Toilet Paper

Did you know that 26,000 trees are cut down worldwide per day to make toilet paper? In order not to contribute to this, we have engaged with a new supplier: a family-run business based in the UK.

The benefits of this product are as follows:

  • Made from 100% converted recycled paper (paper from recycling bins and shredding companies).

  • 100% Plastic-free paper rolls and packaging.

  • Packaged in 100% recycled cardboard boxes.

  • Manufactured entirely in the UK, thus purchasing from them strengthens our economy.

  • Shipped to Borehamwood from within the UK, so no long-haul shipping from China.

Unfortunately, environmentally friendly products are still more expensive than those made from “virgin pulp”- the pulp from newly felled trees. We pay three times the usual wholesale price, but as a company, we have decided to pay the difference in order to help lead the way to a Zero Net Carbon future. We hope our efforts, along with other environmentally conscious people, will bring the costs of these products down.


Reduction of Plastic Bottles

Drinking water dispensers have been installed to reduce the purchase of water in plastic bottles.

We are looking for other ways to reduce our carbon footprint:

  • Companies who can reuse the cable drums,

  • Companies who safely strip unwanted cables and extract the metal (If your company- or one you know of- would be interested in either of these things, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!)

  • We encourage employees who live close to work to walk or cycle a few days each week.

  • We encourage employees to either bring lunch from home or choose products that are not packaged in plastic from the supermarket.

  • We encourage everyone to bring water bottles from home and fill them with the drinking water from the dispenser to reduce the demand for water in plastic bottles.